Move Along, Move Along, Nothing to See Here ...!
Prima Poker skin
No Limit Holdem Ring game
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
6 players
Stack sizes:
Hero: $62.90
UTG+1: $48.66
CO: $41.60
Button: $83.17
SB: $51.75
BB: $30.72
Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is UTG with :qd :kc
Hero raises to $2, 2 folds, Button calls, SB folds, BB calls.
Villain plays 34/9. KQo is the weakest hand that I will raise UTG.
Flop: :kd :10c :kh ($6.25, 3 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $2.5, Button raises to $5, BB folds, Hero calls $5 (pot was $13.75).
Great flop for me. Very happy to be raised, easy call.
Turn: :ks ($16.25, 2 players)
Hero checks, Button bets $8.12, Hero raises to $20, Button calls.
Case King, job done. Raise pot here, so I can get it all-in on the river.
River: :5h ($56.25, 2 players)
Hero bets $25, Button calls.
Villain obliges with a call.
Final pot: $106.25
ero shows Qd Kc
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $83.69
UTG+1: $32.41
CO: $15.60
Button: $45.60
SB: $48.00
Hero: $52.95
Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is BB with :ks :kh
UTG calls, 3 folds, SB calls, Hero raises to $1.5, UTG raises to $4.52, SB folds, Hero calls $4.52 (pot was $6.77).
Villain plays 19/7. I make a slightly smaller than normal raise, trying to attract some action, and it works! Villains limp/reraise is slightly worrying.
Flop: :qd :8d :2c ($9.54, 2 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets $7.56, Hero raises to $20, UTG raises to $32.44, Hero calls all-in $28.93, UTG calls.
Villain bets into me, and I am happy to get the money in. On reflection villain's range is probably AA, KK, AK and maybe QQ, so I am not beating much of his range.
Turn: :qh ($107.4, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $107.4)
River: :7c ($107.4, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $107.4)
Final pot: $107.4
Hero shows Ks Kh
UTG shows Ad As
Kings against Aces, the classic cooler, but I guess that I could have got away from this on the turn when the 2nd queen hit, if I had been more cautious on the flop?
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $61.08
UTG+1: $47.25
CO: $33.10
Button: $30.52
SB: $67.12
Hero: $48.75
Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is BB with :7c :7d
UTG folds, UTG+1 calls, CO calls, Button calls, SB folds, Hero checks.
Villain plays 73/0 over just 15 hands. I mostly raise this spot, but I decided to just check here.
Flop: :4c :3d :4h ($2.25, 4 players)
Hero checks, UTG+1 checks, CO bets $2, Button folds, Hero raises to $8.25, UTG+1 folds, CO raises all-in $30.6, Hero calls $32.6 (pot was $41.1).
Villain could have almost any two. My raise was reasonable, to find out where I am at, but I hate my call of his push. On reflection, he has a 4 most of the time here, and I am in terrible shape.
Turn: :kd ($65.45, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $63.45, Sidepot 1: $2)
River: :qd ($65.45, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $63.45, Sidepot 1: $2)
Final pot: $65.45
CO shows As 3s
Hero shows 7c 7d
On reflection, I got lucky here. I should be getting away from middle-pairs that are unimproved against aggression, even if it is only from a 73/0 donkey.
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $49.25
CO: $48.70
Hero: $65.85
SB: $53.02
BB: $48.42
Pre-flop: (5 players) Hero is Button with :5h :4h
2 folds, Hero raises to $2, SB calls, BB raises to $6, Hero calls $6.5 (pot was $10.25), SB calls.
Villain plays 31/6 and had been annoying me with his chat. I rarely raise 54s OTB, but I did here. I also very rarely call a 3bet with such a weak holding, but again I did here.
Flop: :6c :2h :ah ($19, 3 players)
SB checks, BB bets $19.5, Hero raises all-in $59.35, 2 folds.
Uncalled bets: $39.85 returned to Hero.
Villain overbets the pot, and I decided to push my draw. (A play that I rarely make, and I am really not sure about). It worked out well here.
Final pot: $58
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $50.00
UTG+1: $48.65
Hero: $94.80
Button: $49.92
SB: $50.15
BB: $48.25
Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is CO with :ah :kh
2 folds, Hero raises to $2, Button calls, SB folds, BB calls.
Villain plays 18/12. Standard MP raise for me. I don't mind a call.
Flop: :9c :6d :6h ($6.25, 3 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $4.5, Button folds, BB raises to $15, Hero raises all-in $88.3, BB calls all-in $31.75.
Uncalled bets: $41.55 returned to Hero.
I Cbet, and villain raises me. I doubt he would raise a 9 here, so I sense that he is making a move on me, so I decide to push. His call doesn't thrill me!
Turn: :10s ($99.75, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $99.75)
River: :9h ($99.75, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $99.75)
Final pot: $99.75
BB shows 7h 8h
Villain called my allin with an OESD, so he was way short of getting the correct odds to call. I hate my push here, and this is very out of character for me. Still, at least I was the aggressor and so had some fold equity, rather than tamely calling off my chips, like most of the examples in this post!
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $49.25
UTG+1: $44.70
Hero: $61.30
Button: $41.60
SB: $53.30
BB: $52.00
Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is CO with :ks :ad
2 folds, Hero raises to $2, Button calls, 2 folds.
Villain plays 15/9. Std raise.
Flop: :jh :6s :kc ($4.75, 2 players)
Hero bets $2.5, Button calls.
Good flop. I am pleased to get a call for my Cbet.
Turn: :9d ($9.75, 2 players)
Hero bets $9.75, Button raises to $19.5, Hero raises all-in $47.05, Button calls all-in $17.6.
Uncalled bets: $9.95 returned to Hero.
Pretty harmless turn card, apparently, completing a rainbow board. I pot it, and get min-raised. I really should give him credit here, as I am only beating a hand like KQ, and am very likely behind to a set, two-pair, or a str8 with QT.
River: :6d ($83.95, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $83.95)
Final pot: $83.95
Button shows 9s 9h
As expected, I am beat. I hate the villain's call on the flop, facing two overcards. I guess he was figuring to float me, and take it away on the turn if I slowed down.
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $40.78
UTG+1: $43.25
CO: $46.60
Button: $96.50
SB: $28.80
Hero: $81.75
Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is BB with :8c :ac
3 folds, Button calls, SB calls, Hero raises to $2, Button calls, SB calls.
Villain plays 30/6. (Same guy as a couple of hands earlier. This guy was REALLY annoying me!) Slightly loose raise from the BB for me, to punish the limpers.
Flop: :ad :5h :5d ($7, 3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $4, Button calls, SB folds.
Plenty to worry about with this flop. potential trips and a flush draw against me, plus the Ace, that could easily have me out-kicked.
Turn: :10h ($15, 2 players)
Hero bets $8, Button calls.
I should have checked here.
River: :2s ($31, 2 players)
Hero checks, Button bets $31.5, Hero calls $31.5 (pot was $62.5).
This street is even worse! How can I make a crying call with such a measly kicker?? Horrible play!
Final pot: $94
Button shows Js Ah
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
Hero: $60.27
CO: $45.25
Button: $36.76
SB: $49.25
BB: $66.48
Pre-flop: (5 players) Hero is UTG with :5d :5s
Hero raises to $2, 2 folds, SB raises to $3.25, BB folds, Hero calls $3.5 (pot was $5.75).
Villain plays 30/1. Std raise UTG, with any PP. Small raise from villain with a full buy-in was an easy call.
Flop: :6s :ac :5h ($7.25, 2 players)
SB bets $4, Hero calls $4 (pot was $11.25).
Hooray! Flop the set, and an Ace, AND the villain bets into me! Just a call for now for me.
Turn: :jd ($15.25, 2 players)
SB bets $9, Hero raises to $21, SB raises all-in $33, Hero calls $42 (pot was $69.25).
Harmless looking turn card, and the villain bets 3/4 pot, time to wake up and raise him. He pushes and it is a very easy call for me.
River: :kd ($90.25, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $81.25, Sidepot 1: $9)
Final pot: $90.25
SB shows Qh Ad
Hero shows 5d 5s
This is almost the mirror image of a lot of hands in this post. Usually it is me getting married to TPGK, and stacking myself off!
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $45.25
CO: $36.76
Button: $50.00
SB: $66.23
Hero: $107.77
Pre-flop: (5 players) Hero is BB with :10c :kc
2 folds, Button raises to $2, SB folds, Hero calls $2 (pot was $2.75).
Same villain as previous hand. Std OTB raise.
Flop: :qs :7c :kh ($4.25, 2 players)
Hero bets $4.25, Button raises to $8.5, Hero calls $8.5 (pot was $17).
Decent flop. Slightly disconcerting raise, I decide to call and re-evaluate on the turn.
Turn: :10s ($21.25, 2 players)
Hero checks, Button bets $21.25, Hero raises all-in $97.77, Button calls all-in $18.25.
Uncalled bets: $58.27 returned to Hero.
A decent turn, but it does complete a str8 for AJ. I check, expecting a bet and I am happy to push, figuring to be ahead, and with outs to top boat, if I am behind.
River: :jc ($100.25, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $100.25)
Final pot: $100.25
Button shows Qd Jd
Hero shows 10c Kc
A horrible river, which completed a str8 for the A, but it turned out well.
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $98.93
Hero: $57.50
Button: $15.75
SB: $60.16
BB: $47.15
Pre-flop: (5 players) Hero is CO with :10c :10h
UTG calls, Hero raises to $3, Button calls, SB raises to $10.5, 2 folds, Hero calls $10.75 (pot was $17.5), Button calls.
Villain plays 55/6. Std raise in the CO. Villain's 3bet is too big to call (in relation to his stack), and I should have folded.
Flop: :qc :8c :9c ($33, 3 players)
SB bets $10.5, Hero raises to $25, Button calls all-in $5, SB raises all-in $39.16, Hero calls all-in $21.75.
Uncalled bets: $21.75 returned to Hero.
A scary flop, but I am blinded by the str8-flush draw! I have no business getting it in here, when there are 3 flush cards that beat me (A,K,J).
Turn: :qh ($68, 0 player + 3 all-in - Main pot: $48, Sidepot 1: $68.32)
River: :3s ($68, 0 player + 3 all-in - Main pot: $48, Sidepot 1: $68.32)
Final pot: $68
Hero shows 10c 10h
SB shows Kh Kc
Button shows Qs Jc
I had ample opportunities to get away from this hand. I played it like an idiot, from the moment that I got 3bet.
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $14.50
CO: $70.05
Hero: $49.25
SB: $50.15
BB: $99.94
Pre-flop: (5 players) Hero is Button with :jc :ad
UTG folds, CO calls, Hero raises to $3, SB calls, BB folds, CO calls.
Villain plays 36/2. Std raise OTB with one limper ahead of me.
Flop: :3d :3s :9h ($9.5, 3 players)
SB checks, CO checks, Hero bets $6.5, SB folds, CO calls.
Pretty dry flop, so Cbet for 2/3 pot.
Turn: :ac ($22.5, 2 players)
CO bets $22.5, Hero raises all-in $39.75, CO folds.
Uncalled bets: $17.25 returned to Hero.
Nice turn card. On reflection the villain betting out pot could have indicated trip 3's, but I took it to be an A, likely to be weaker than mine. I was very surprised that the villain folded, having been so pot-committed.
Final pot: $67.5
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $66.61
CO: $92.71
Button: $71.70
Hero: $41.60
BB: $44.66
Pre-flop: (5 players) Hero is SB with :js :ad
3 folds, Hero raises to $2.25, BB calls.
Villain plays 22/4. Std raise from the SB.
Flop: :3c :ac :qs ($4.75, 2 players)
Hero bets $2.5, BB raises to $12.5, Hero raises all-in $36.85, BB calls.
Nice flop. I bet out half the pot, and get raised over pot. I probably should have figured villain as pretty passive, but I took this to be either a weaker Ace, or perhaps a flush draw. At this stage, I had less than $5 in the pot, and should have folded, in the face of such aggression.
Turn: :3s ($80.95, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $78.45, Sidepot 1: $2.5)
River: :5s ($80.95, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $78.45, Sidepot 1: $2.5)
Final pot: $80.95
Hero shows Js Ad
BB shows Qh Ah
A horrible result. I was rather surprised that villain tried so hard to blow me off the hand, having flopped top-2. I guess you could describe this as a cooler, but I should have been able to find a fold, in the face of such aggression, with just TPGK.
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $51.12
UTG+1: $49.50
CO: $83.01
Button: $71.58
Hero: $51.25
BB: $50.57
Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is SB with :ac :ad
3 folds, Button raises to $2, Hero raises to $6.5, BB folds, Button calls.
Villain plays 21/18. Std reraise from the BB, glad to get a call.
Flop: :qd :7d :4d ($13.75, 2 players)
Hero bets $7, Button calls.
Slightly funky flop, but I am glad that I have the Ad.
Turn: :7s ($27.75, 2 players)
Hero bets $14, Button raises all-in $57.83, Hero calls all-in $23.75.
Uncalled bets: $20.08 returned to Button.
The board pairs, and I start to think "here we go again" when the villain shoves. I am getting 3/1 on the remainder of my money here, so I think I was pot committed, considering I had the nut-flush draw.
River: :3c ($103.25, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $103.25)
Final pot: $103.25
Hero shows Ac Ad
No flush card, but I take the pot down anyway. I would very much like to know what the villain mucked, but Prima decided not to oblige me with this information!
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $47.82
UTG+1: $55.67
CO: $48.75
Button: $85.26
SB: $45.75
Hero: $100.00
Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is BB with :qh :as
UTG calls, UTG+1 calls, 3 folds, 3 folds, Hero raises to $2.5, UTG calls, UTG+1 calls.
Villain plays 43/14. I should probably raise a bit more here, OOP against 2 villains. (I watched a Fruitypro CR video last night that talked about how difficult it is to play AQ OOP.
Flop: :8d :ah :8s ($8.75, 3 players)
Hero bets $5, UTG raises to $20, UTG+1 folds, Hero raises all-in $92.5, UTG calls all-in $24.82.
Leading out is a reasonable play here, but I should have been able to get away from the hand when I am raised over pot. This hands illustrates a lot of what is wrong with my NL game right now. TPGK is not a hand to get it all-in with, in the face of significant aggression.
Uncalled bets: $47.68 returned to Hero.
Turn: :4s ($98.39, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $98.39)
River: :9h ($98.39, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $98.39)
Final pot: $98.39
UTG shows 5h 8h
Entirely predictably, villain had an 8. I have run into a lot of trips situations like this in the past couple of days, but this one was entirely avoidable.
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $32.72
UTG+1: $44.50
Hero: $80.11
Button: $49.75
SB: $54.68
BB: $34.17
Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is CO with :8h :8s
UTG calls, UTG+1 folds, Hero raises to $3, 2 folds, BB calls, UTG folds.
Villain plays 60/0. Std raise from the CO.
Flop: :8c :4h :4s ($6.75, 2 players)
BB bets $3.37, Hero calls $3.37 (pot was $10.12).
An almost perfect flop! Villain leads for 1/2 pot, and I just call.
Turn: :5d ($13.49, 2 players)
BB bets $6.74, Hero calls $6.74 (pot was $20.23).
Again villain leads for 1/2 pot, and again I just call. (Villain only had $21 left behind, and I figure he will lead the river regardless, so I am confident we can get it allin.)
River: :3d ($26.97, 2 players)
BB bets $13.48, Hero raises all-in $67, BB calls all-in $8.08.
Uncalled bets: $45.44 returned to Hero.
As expected the villain leads the river and we get the money in.
Final pot: $70.09
BB shows 10d 10c
Hero shows 8h 8s
Villain had TT, and must have been studying my recent play, as he seems to have based his game on mine! ;-)
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $46.43
UTG+1: $17.10
Hero: $49.25
Button: $33.06
SB: $19.79
BB: $34.12
Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is CO with :qd :9h
2 folds, Hero raises to $2, Button calls, SB folds, BB calls.
Villain plays 36/0. Loose raise from me with Q9o from the CO.
Flop: :9d :3h :qc ($6.25, 3 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $3, Button folds, BB calls.
Very nice flop. I bet 1/2 pot and I am happy to be called.
Turn: :7c ($12.25, 2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $6, BB raises to $12, Hero raises all-in $38.25, BB calls all-in $17.62.
Uncalled bets: $8.63 returned to Hero.
Pretty harmless looking turn card. I was a little taken aback to be min-raised, but I think that villain would play an over-pair the same way. His fishy stats of 36/0 probably rule out him playing a fush or str8 draw like this, but these are also possible holdings.
River: :6s ($71.49, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $71.49)
Final pot: $71.49
BB shows 3d 3c
So the villain flopped his set, and I am felted again. I don't hate the way I played this one, although I could arguably have just called the min-raise on the turn. Even so, I am very likely calling his push on the river here. At least I had 2-pair this time!
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $8.80
UTG+1: $86.31
CO: $59.83
Hero: $49.25
SB: $83.14
BB: $49.50
Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is Button with :ac :qh
UTG calls, 2 folds, Hero raises to $3, SB folds, BB calls, UTG folds.
Villain plays 19/12. Std raise OTB.
Flop: :ad :5d :9s ($6.75, 2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $3.5, BB raises to $7, Hero calls $7 (pot was $17.25).
A good flop. I bet 1/2 pot, and I am min-raised. I would think that villain makes this play with any Ace, any flush draw, and possibly any 9.
Turn: :2h ($20.75, 2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $9, BB calls.
Harmless looking turn card, so I bet out 1/2 pot and villain calls.
River: :5s ($38.75, 2 players)
BB is all-in $31, Hero calls all-in $30.25.
Uncalled bets: $0.75 returned to BB.
5s on the river doesn't look to have changed anything. Villain pushes and I should have been able to find a fold here. What am I beating here???? I can't see villain making this move with air, after I have led the turn, in the face of his min-raise on the flop. He clearly has something he likes, that surely beats my miserable TPGK. (OK, so it was 2-pair, but still rubbish!)
Final pot: $99.25
BB shows 9d 9c
Once again, I run into a flopped set. I was really starting to get down on myself, my luck and my game at this stage, after running pretty bad for the last couple of days. I should have quit at this point.
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $69.07
UTG+1: $57.86
Hero: $52.30
Button: $47.36
SB: $14.45
BB: $37.14
Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is CO with :kh :kc
UTG raises to $1, UTG+1 calls, Hero raises to $3, 2 folds, BB calls, UTG calls, UTG+1 calls.
UTG Villain plays 47/13, UTG+1 Villain plays 25/4. I am happy to raise it up here with a min-raise and a cold-caller ahead of me. Both villain call, so I am praying to miss the Ace on the flop.
Flop: :8c :10d :qd ($12.25, 4 players)
BB checks, UTG checks, UTG+1 checks, Hero bets $15, BB folds, UTG raises all-in $66.07, UTG+1 calls all-in $54.86, Hero calls all-in $34.3.
Uncalled bets: $11.21 returned to UTG.
A somewhat coordinated flop, so I decide to overbet the pot slightly, when it is checked around to me. I was stunned when there is then a push and a call, before it gets back around to me! I was getting 4.5/1 on my money here, but I was surely up against at least a set! I should have been able to curse my luck and fold here.
Turn: :2c ($165.71, 0 player + 3 all-in - Main pot: $160.15, Sidepot 1: $11.12)
River: :ac ($165.71, 0 player + 3 all-in - Main pot: $160.15, Sidepot 1: $11.12)
Final pot: $165.71
UTG shows Jc 9s
Hero shows Kh Kc
So, Villain had an absurd J9o, and he both raised UTG and then called a reraise preflop. Having been so thoroughly rewarded here, he will no doubt continue to play rubbish like this, right up until the time that he goes bust!
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $46.51
UTG+1: $25.10
Hero: $64.52
Button: $81.01
SB: $46.75
BB: $6.22
Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is CO with :qh :as
UTG raises to $1, UTG+1 folds, Hero raises to $3, 3 folds, UTG raises to $13, Hero raises all-in $61.52, UTG calls all-in $33.51.
Uncalled bets: $15.01 returned to Hero.
Villain plays 64/26 and was playing like a real maniac. I judged him to be stealing here and decided to put him in.
Flop: :jc :5h :6h ($1.5, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $93.77)
Turn: :5d ($1.5, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $93.77)
River: :kc ($1.5, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $93.77)
Final pot: $1.5
UTG shows 10h Kd
What can you say about this hand? I correctly read the villain to be stealing and I got the money in with the best hand, but really, I don't want to playing coin-flip lotto like this. Villain's miserable KTo was right at the bottom end of his range. I was much more likely to be against a PP or even be dominated here. This hand was undoubtedly provoked by my bad run, but I am not proud of it.
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50
Stack sizes:
UTG: $46.08
Hero: $50.00
CO: $30.37
Button: $55.45
SB: $14.38
BB: $16.09
Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is UTG+1 with :ah :qc
UTG calls, Hero raises to $3, CO calls, 3 folds, UTG calls.
Villain plays 44/30. Std raise in MP.
Flop: :6c :qh :7d ($9.75, 3 players)
UTG checks, Hero bets $6, CO folds, UTG calls.
For the love of God, just check behind here!!!!! What chance was there that a villain such as this would fold to a Cbet?????
Turn: :7c ($21.75, 2 players)
UTG checks, Hero bets $10, UTG raises to $20, Hero raises all-in $31, UTG calls all-in $17.08.
Uncalled bets: $17.08 returned to UTG.
I was completely tilted here. This must rank as my worst bet since I joined CR. If there was any justice at all, I would have had half my bankroll confiscated by the poker-police for this donkfest!
River: :2h ($72.75, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $83.75)
Final pot: $72.75
UTG shows 9h 7h
So villain had trips. This was the theme of the last couple of days. Set after set, trips after trips. I ran into a lot of bad spots, but I also made a lot of poor plays and weak calls. This hand finally drove me to stop playing.
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