Sunday, 12 August 2007

Pocket Kings are my Friends Again!

** Game ID 1550374139 starting - 2007-08-12 06:19:24** Moon [Hold 'em] (0.250.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money
- JAY420SMOKE sitting in seat 1 with $20.34
- liverpoolfc6 sitting in seat 2 with $40.00 [Dealer]
- DOLLARIHYMY sitting in seat 3 with $106.26
- intrarob sitting in seat 4 with $54.25
- Einoa sitting in seat 5 with $62.63
- Niisku82 sitting in seat 6 with $11.15
- DOLLARIHYMY posted the small blind - $0.25
- intrarob posted the big blind - $0.50
** Dealing card to intrarob: King of Diamonds, King of Spades
- Einoa folded
- Niisku82 called - $0.50
- JAY420SMOKE folded
- liverpoolfc6 called - $0.50
- DOLLARIHYMY raised - $2.50
- intrarob raised - $7.50
- Niisku82 folded
- liverpoolfc6 called - $7.50
DOLLARIHYMY plays 18/12/1.8, liverpoolfc6 plays 71/15/0.7. Standard 3bet for me out of the BB. DOLLARIHYMY was likely raising to isolate liverpoolfc6, and I spoilt his fun! I am not at all disturbed by liverpoolfc6's limp/cold-call as he has been playing almost every hand to the river. I am pleased to have him along for the ride!
** Dealing the flop: 3 of Clubs, 7 of Spades, 9 of Clubs
- intrarob bet - $12.00
- liverpoolfc6 called - $12.00
A good flop for my kings, although the club flush draw needs protecting against. I bet 2/3 of the pot and I am not surprised to be called by liverpool. Virtually impossible to put the villain on a hand, the way he plays, but he probably has either 2 overcards, or an overpair.
** Dealing the turn: 9 of Spades
- intrarob bet - $21.00
- liverpoolfc6 went all-in - $20.50
The 9s is a slightly worrying turn card, as it put a 2nd flush draw on the board, plus also put me behind to a 9. Nonetheless, I am happy to put the villain all-in here. I would have been extremely surprised if he had folded here. I still have him on either overcards, or an overpair.
** Dealing the river: 5 of Diamonds
A perfect river card, as it completed neither flush, and the only straight that it completed was for a 4-6 hand, which even for this villain was a pretty unlikely to call a 3bet with preflop.

Annoyingly, this was a hand that Prima decided not to show-down properly, so we will never know what hand I was up against.
- intrarob shows: King of Diamonds, King of Spades
- liverpoolfc6 mucks:
- intrarob wins $80.00 from the main pot
End of game 1550374139

1 comment:

DODGYKEN said...

Nice play on this hand. A lot of people would be scared of that 9 as he'd called the flop. But you went with what you knew about this player, decided that his range was very wide, and shoved the turn to protect against draws (and maybe get a call from a worse made hand). Bold play rewarded.